Sunday, January 20, 2008

The extinction of the Umno Warlords and the Little Napoleons

We need a leadership change, said Shahrir Samad, the then Chairman of the Parliament Backbenchers' Club, popularly known as BBC. You could almost hear a pin drop in the conspicuous silence, a predictable response to what most would regard as a 'bombshell' in the days when dissent was perceived as tantamount to insulting the very Prophet himself. Shahrir allowed his matter-of-fact statement to sink in as he slowly and deliberately glanced across the length and breadth of the room before he broke the silence with his follow-through declaration.
Mahathir has to go, and it should not be Anwar Ibrahim who takes over, Shahrir added while giving me a piercing stare as if to sink home the point that the part about Anwar was meant specifically for me, the man who carried the title of Director of the Free Anwar Campaign. It should not even be you or I who takes over, Shahrir clarified further to make it clear to all and sundry that his point about Anwar was not personal in nature but based on principles, though I certainly harboured no ambitions to take over the running of this country.

The people who should be taking over the running of this country has to be the next generation, those under 40, argued Shahrir. This country belongs to the next generation. Our days are gone. We need young blood with fresh ideas, Shahrir explained in the event there were still some who were wondering why our generation was over-the-hill and why the need for this country to be handed over to our children.

Look at Singapore. They are successful because the older generation does not cling to power but the young are groomed to take over. Malaysia has to emulate Singapore, Shahrir ended his declaration with what could be considered as blasphemy.

That was six years or so ago, the era when Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was still the Prime Minister. And it was not wise in those days to compare Malaysia to Singapore. What is good for Singapore may also be what is good for Malaysia. But one must never say this. But then Shahrir is never one to follow convention. In fact, the more Mahahir does not like Malaysia to be compared to Singapore the more Shahrir would say it, as if he is purposely trying to needle Mahathir in an attempt to rub him the wrong way.

It is no secret that Shahrir's pet hate is Mahahir while the man he hates the most after Mahathir is Anwar Ibrahim. No wonder he feels Malaysia has no place for either Mahathir or Anwar. But he did qualify by saying that it should not be he or we who takes over either. It should be the next generation, those below 40.

Six years or more have since gone by and what Shahrir said is now all water under the bridge. Mahathir has since left the scene but it is still the older generation that is running this country. The younger generation, those below 40, are not yet holding the reins of power as per Shahrir's prognosis. Those running this country are still those from that generation which Shahrir said has to go. Yes, that may be so, they may not yet be in the driver's seat, but they are certainly walking in the corridors of power and are instrumental in charting this country's destiny.
Many hate current Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi because he is not capable of running the country with an iron fist the way Mahathir was able to. But then, when Mahathir was running this country, they hated him for that very same reason, because he was running it with an iron first. They felt that Mahathir should delegate more and not decide single-handedly everything down to what tree should be planted and where it should be planted.

Yes, when Mahathir first took over as Prime Minister, he took the Federal Territory Minister and the Lord Mayor of Kuala Lumpur, together with the City Hall officers, on a bus ride around the city one Sunday so that he can brief them on how the landscaping should be done. He told them which tree should be chopped down and where the new ones should be planted and in which location there was a need for flowers. When they renovated the Subang Airport he personally supervised the work and even decided on the colour of the check-in counters. Mahathir was engineer, architect, interior designer and town planner all in one. And in spite of that heavy workload, he read every scrap of paper and every report before all the meetings and nothing got by him unnoticed.

Then we have Abdullah and he reads nothing and is not able to get through half a page of an A4 document without losing concentration while struggling to not fall asleep. Abdullah is the exact opposite of Mahathir. And while Mahathir had his hands on the pulse of even the minutest details, Abdullah allows the country to operate on autopilot. No, the country is not being run by the older generation. As what Shahrir wanted, the country is being run by the next generation, the under-40s age group. Shahrir got his wish after all. The only difference is that the next generation, the under-40s, is not sitting on the throne. But it is certainly the power behind the throne. While it appears like the older generation is running this country, the truth is those under-40s, the next generation, is walking in the corridors of power and decides what happens to this country leaving Abdullah free to embark on his overseas jaunts every two weeks or so.
It is not known when the next general election will be called. Some say it will be 15 March 2008. Some say earlier. And some say Abdullah will allow his term to run until the last day, which is 21 March 2009. Whatever it may be, one thing is clear, 60% of the candidates will be new faces. And many will be from the next generation, the under 40s age group. The days of the Umno Warlords will soon be a thing of the past. People like the Menteris Besar of Perlis, Perak, Johor and Pahang and the Chief Ministers of Melaka, Sabah and Sarawak will have to make way for new and younger faces. Many members of the Cabinet, in particular those carrying baggage, will be dropped. And these changes will also affect the component members of the Barisan Nasional ruling coalition.

Umno's as well as Barisan Nasional's problem is that the warlords call the shots. As strong-minded as Mahathir may have been, he could not ignore the warlords. And Abdullah suffered the same thing when he took over, which is why he did not dare drop any of the old faces and was forced to retain what could be perceived as Mahathir's legacy. Mahahir was powerless in spite of being accused of running this country with an iron fist. Abdullah, a lesser man that Mahathir, would certainly not be able to discard the warlords even if his life depended on it.

But it is not Abdullah who is determining who gets dropped and which new faces and young blood replaces them. That is the job of his team of advisors on the fourth floor who owe their allegiance to Khairy Jamaluddin. These are those who now walk in the corridors of power and who are charting this country's direction. Notable amongst them are the likes of Zaki Azmi, Omar Ong, Norza Zakaria and the aggressive team of yuppies who are determined to shed the old ways and emulate how Singapore brought that tiny Island State onto the world stage.

Zaki and Omar come from what could be said to be illustrious families. Their fathers were already big names even as they were still learning how to walk. Even their boss, Khairy, can be considered as from an elite family since his father was a diplomat. Khairy, in fact, spent most of his youth in elite international schools and grew up amongst the selected few. Norza, however, is another kettle of fish. He hails from a humble background, the son of a schoolteacher, and in a feudal system where you have to be somebody to become somebody, Norza can be said to be an exception amongst the lot.

Malays in general and Umno in particualr still subscribe to the feudal system. Most come up through family connections. Mahathir is probably amongst the rare breed who was from a 'nobody' background and that is why many looked at him with awe. In a system where you must have been born from or at the very least marry into the right family, moving up on your own steam is not an easy option.

Mahathir, however, is not exactly a nobody. Siti Hasmah is from an established family as was the late Endon. Therefore, as much as we might pass off both Mahathir's and Abdullah's fathers as simple schoolteachers, their wives were from established families. So Mahathir and Abdullah both had the advantage of their wives' connections to get a head-start in life. And the same can also be said about Khairy who probably would still have made it but certainly at a much slower pace if not for the fact that he is married to the Prime Minister's daughter.

Khairy and his team of fourth floor boys, all under-40 yuppies, have big plans for the future. And they are not about to allow anyone to stand in their way. But they must first send all the warlords into retirement. And this will be done come the next election when the old faces will be dropped in favour of fresh faces. It is not just that these faces are new though. They will also be aggressive and professional yuppies who know what they want and know how to get it.

Norza, as an example, may be the offspring of a simple kampong schoolteacher. But he has left the kampong behind him and has moved on. For some, you can take the boy out of the kampong but you can't take the kampong out of the boy. And kampong politics is the politics of warlords and patronage. The young kowtow to the elders and treat the elders like demigods. However, this is not the lifestyle of the fourth floor boys who walk in the corridors of power. Theirs is a lifestyle of survival of the fittest and where meritocracy reigns supreme. It will be very difficult for the old warlords to fathom all this but, like it or not, their days are numbered. This may be six years too late as far as Shahrir is concerned but they do say better late than never.

Yes, Malaysia is about to see changes. The Shahidans, Anuars, Tajols, Adnans, Rahims, Musas, Tengku Adnans, and many of those remnants of the Mahathir era will go the way of the Megat Junids, Sanusis and Khalils who were sent out to pasture not that long ago. Even the likes of Ku Li and Rais and those viewed as still having some political clout face the prospect of being sent into retirement. Soon, Malaysia will be led by those who wish to claim their inheritance by force and not wait for it to be handed to them when the old folks get tired of public life or, by divine intervention, die off.

These people know what life is all about. They know what they want from life. And they are not scared of grabbing what they want without waiting for it to be served like the old ways of the old days. They live well, they eat well, they dress well, and they know the power of money and what money can do for you. They also know that only through the attainment of power can you realise your dreams.

These yuppies have plans for this country. They know what needs to be done. And they know that mere cosmetic changes are not enough; you need to push for a paradigm shift. And, in this paradigm shift, old ways need to be discarded. And, in this paradigm shift, the Old Guard too needs to be discarded. Invariably, from the ashes of these Old Guards will rise the Young Turks, those from the fourth floor, the yuppies who walk through the corridors of power and who are extremely in a hurry and have no patience to tolerate the old ways or kowtow to those tired old men and women who jealously guard their turf in a feeble attempt to prop up the crumbling empires of the Little Napoleons and Umno Warlords who no longer have a place in a globalised, borderless world.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck, Malaysia. The rakyat sinks when the change turns out to be any mistake. The rakyat also sink if the change turns out to be good because the wealth of this country would not filter down to benefit you and me. Whatever and whoever plays the trump cards with the best jokers on hand, the rakyat gonna find 2008 to be a very tough year ahead. So forget the HAPPY New Year traditional greetings this time round for once. It's the new year alright, and there's nothing happy about the next 365 days ahead. Brace for the onslaught of more hardships and more cunning deceit from this present ruling government.

My view is, some of the more powerful old warlords will survive the next power-grabbing excercise in umno. But whatever, everything will be just as bad for the rakyat since the overall corrupt system will remain. What we really need is a new Government, sans the bn. Otherwise the rakyat got no hope under the bn.
Yahoo! I was about to shout to hear of the demise of UMNO's warlords and Napoleons. Then reality sets in- they will only be replaced by that presumptous fellow using father-in-law's coat tails & the rest of his gang. Don't know which is worst! Only time will tell. But your analysis puzzles me somewhat. How is it that that fella is able to muster so much clout within such a short time? Ya, I know his FIL is the PM but still...Only hope looks like if BN is denied the 2/3 majority in the elections.

Anonymous said...

Plutocracy.. That is kind of government that we have in Malaysia, os more precisely, what we shall have. As soon as those 4th floor 'yuppies' consolidates, say goodbye to democracy as we know it. Please do not mistake plutocracy for democracy. They may have the same 'cracy' thingie, but they are not, the least similar.

Malaysia's fate is on a declining path. As time passes many things that have not happened in an age have come to pass. The people's disatisfaction seeps in and occasionaly shows itself. This show of unhappiness would seem more apparent as time passes. These are dark times for our country, and darker times lay ahead.

Young Turks - did they fight tooth and nail for the indepence of our country? Or are they fighting for money and power? - Have the wrestled the country from an occupying force or from their fellow man? - And when the time comes when this country is at the mercy of invasion from occupying forces, will they stand against it as their forefathers have? or will they turn tail?

God knows...

Anonymous said...

Dear hezri,

Good stuff. In my humble 2 cents opinion, the young turks (new kids on the block) may not be able to lauch a total pustch to outstered all the old farts from Umnno warlord clans. Why???

Answer is very simple and straight as the chinaman hair, its $$$$ and tons of it.

Kaili may have RM200 million assets and his buddies says another RM400millions , but you know what, those old tired cunning shrewed warlords which have been in power for decades (as ministers or MB's or CM's) have a combination of billions (via mega corruptions and misaapropriation of funds) not only can buy votes or position in the Unmmo clubs but also to buy this young farts to switch side and kow tow to their old wrinkly ass like a puppy on leash. Hell..with tons of money..they can even convinced the imams that Appollo really landed on the moon(which they did though..sorry to dissapoint 'em religious dudes) .

No doubt Kaili and his new buddies will soon be be holding autopiloting the country assets near future by their joysticks but tis will not happen so soon because all 'em Umnno old warlords need this second term to clean and washed all the evidence of their ill gotten gain wealth and power misused (or abused, whichever comes first) before they head on to their lavished second home in Argentina,Bermudas, Bahamas, Trinidad,Australia, Pacific Isles, etc with their beloved families and luv ones (plus tons of green backs and pounds).

This victory for another term are very critical moment before they relinguished their deacade long power so when it is time for kaili and the new kids on the block took over a much bankrupted Malaysia Inc., 'em kids got no evidence of any wrongdoin by this old farts in a kangaroo humping court and the country doesn't have any dime left to quenched their yuppie thirst for the legendary Inca gold mine.

The real loosers in YoYoLand hardcover fiction will be its people whom don't know what hit 'em and will forever blaming their neigbours and imaginary enemies of their misfortune as the 'old warlords laugh all the way to their paradise on earth.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are right that many of the non-malays in the urban communities need to be informed and the internet is doing much to inform the English speaking masses in the Urban communities. And this must continue as there are much more people who still believe and are influenced by the mainstream media. At the same time, the rural folks and the "non-english" speaking communities also need to be informed. Hence your articles in Malay language could reach out to much more.

On the other hand, I do not have the stats on the voters and populations in different constituencies. It was my believe that the BN (be it UMNO / MCA / MIC) have stronger support from the simpler folks in the rural communities as compared to the more informed Urban generations.

This maybe one of the reasons why the BN has not systematically over the past 50 years, put all and every effort to bring higher levels of education and development to many parts of Malaysia (Sarawak & Sabah included). More people living with low education levels and simple minds and low development, means the easier for the BN to win over these minds and votes through the media and hand-outs.

Let me give you one example,

I grew up very poor. My late father worked with the Malaysian Police and my mother worked with the ministry of defense. They had 4 children and life was tough making ends meet. However, both my parents were hard core supporters of the BN. I remember, that nearing elections, they used to got at nights and volunteer to paste BN posters on walls on the road side. Me and my siblings also naturally became staunch supporters of the BN. My father died young (45yrs) and life was tougher. However, we did well in school but did not get placement in local universities despite having very good results in high school. Applied for financial assistance everywhere, scholarship applications were sent to JPA, MIC, MCA, etc, with no success. So I took a day job at one fast food chain and a night job in another. Thought tuition classes on weekends. After 5 years, saved enough money to go to the cheapest overseas university I could find.

At the university, there were several Malay Malaysians. They were all there on government scholarships (JPA, Mara, etc.). But they were malays who lived in Bangsar and Taman Tun. They had enough money not to stay in the university grounds but rent their own houses outside and drive to work in nice cars. All this, while the BN government was paying for their college fees, air flight, and even pocket money !! One guy even was a son of a Dato, who came with their family once in a while to visit him for holidays.

I was most disillusioned with the BN government from then. All that my parents had thought me and all they said the BN stood for, was now crumbling right in front of me. How could this take place?? I was the oldest person in my class in college because I had to work 5 years after high school to come here, and still take part time jobs at farms during summer holidays to help pay expenses, while the BN is subsidizing the rich people like this?? Oh, and by the way, some of this government scholars have been doing the graduate degree for the past 4 to 5 years (due to failure to secure the required marks), while it takes only 3 years to complete it……. I was so damn pissed off at the Malays for this…. And had nothing good to say about them from then until……….

I returned after graduation and started work with a foreign company in Malaysia. After my first year working with them, my boss requested me to hire an assistant for myself. So I conducted several interviews. Naturally I was biased towards the Malay applicants. However, one malay guy changed my opinion about the Malays for good. During the interview, I had asked him to describe his background to me. To my utmost surprise, he had the exact same story as me. His father was with the police. Mother took care of 7 children. He had got 6 A’s in SPM but could not afford to get into university as he could not secure any scholarships. So, he and his younger brothers had to tap rubber to suppliment the family’s income and assist the other siblings go to school. I found him to a very bright person and with his background, I hired him immediately. Until today, its been 10 years, he still works with me and is more than a colleague, he is my best friend. I ensured that during his carrier with me, that I sponsored him to part time higher education. Today he earns about 4 times what he earns at the start and was even able to sponsor his younger to Medical University in Indonesia.

I often went to stay at his kampong in Alor Gajah on weekends as I am from KL but was working in Melaka. Working with him and understanding and getting to know the poorer malays in his community I realized that it is not the Malays that need to be blamed for what is going on in Malaysia. It is the BN government. They keep the rich continually rich and ensure the poor and simple minded malays do not get far. This way they can continually reign over the country. This is more apparent in places like Sarawak. People are kept in the Kampungs and little effort if any is made to educate and develop. (I worked there for 2 years).

As long as we have the majority of simple minds and the uninformed, BN will reign

I completely agree with you that we need a full-fledged army in order to win the war,
but don't you think that a well coordinated game/action plan is as equal inportant?

You did a Great job in enlighting the mass (especially those that are online), Now that their eyes is open, & willing. They(including me) will need more guidian on what to do next.

You did the bombing ( the 1st wave ), The Ground are shaken. Now we who are here willing to go in. Send in the tank, calvary, infantry, artillery or what ever you wanna send in...But,You don't just send in a civilian that willing to be involve in the war with stick & stone. All we asking is give us some guns, bullets and training so we can finish the job.

As what Kent tory commented : Mr. RPK, it may be beneficial, if you could have this web site with your articles in the Malay Language as well. The Malay speaking community needs more convincing than the non malay speaking communities.

You should see what sort of quality blogs or comments avaiable online for malay speaking (online or off line) communities. We need more articles of your standard (Those that turn on light bulb in the head) in malay language.

With that, i honestly think those(at least for myself) who willing to go out & help the mass ground people will have better equip weapons than jus sticks and stones.

I am doing my part by talking to 2 persons (strangers or friends)daily to come out & vote. I am telling them everything that i have learn thru your site (especially your personal coloumn).
And i honest think i can reach more people if (at least - article from yourself) avaiable in BM.
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