Friday, January 25, 2008

I , Badawi vows !!!! (to sleep forever)

Being the Mr. Clean that I am, I have not even begun to fight
Only my underlings were uttering mayhem,
using their Islamic might

However, since you brought it up,
I have to sing myself some praise
Of all my glorious achievements
despite 5 years of malaise


I, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi ,
vow to tackle crime and your corruption fears
All these difficult tasks will only take only 30 years
You might feel that you have heard these promises before
Then you are wrong, those were just my initial snores
The past 5 years were just my honeymoon
To help me perfect my art of sleeping in a cocoon
Trust me, elect me and give me 5 years more
For the next 39 years, I have grandiose plans galore

Now folks we, in the Government, take inflation seriously
That’s why we inflated the prices of essentials professionally
Look, we too are doing our bit to aid in your sacrifice
Look how Najib, Khairy, Semi-value all became extremely nice
We need to raise your tolls, petrol, cooking oil and flour
Driving, fried foods are unhealthy and roti canai sours
Remember even us rich have to pay more for our food and play
So just tighten your belts and be holy,
learn to pray

In 30 years, we will flood the market with cheap basic food
Meanwhile, be patient, we will struggle to the last drop of your blood
My words are your bond, in 30 years, my promises
I will keep Please be patient work hard while
I catch some sleep
Fear not folks, elect me
and I can give you long term visions
30 year from now, I will surely come out with some solutions
For UMNO's long term thinking ,
please pay us in cash today 50 years from now,
UMNO and I will make you all semua-nya OK

Vow by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Prime Minister of Malaysia

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