Friday, January 18, 2008

What does Israel really want?

We all have seen atrocities committed by the Israelis on the Palestinians for more than sixty years now. And we have also seen how America and the United Nations have been closing both eyes to them. The first question, which I would like the Organisation of Islamic Countries (OIC) to ask America and the Israelis is: What does Israel really want? Is it lasting peace for the Jews or just Palestinian and Arab land? Or if they want to dominate the whole of the Middle East?


And for that matter, does the American public, including the Jewish-Americans and their political leaders, too, know what does the Zionist leaders of Israel really want, so that they will not go on supporting them blindly, to the detriment of their own interests and that of the rest of the world? If they want to be America’s strongest ally in the Middle East, they have got it. But is it good for both America and Israel that this is so?

OIC leaders must drive the point to the American leaders that the strong ties that the country has with Israel has not produced much good to their own stability. America had to forgo their own basic liberties and go against their own Constitution and international law to allow Israeli transgression on the Palestinians.

If indeed America truly wants a better ally in the Middle East, they are the Arabs including the Palestinians and no others. America must be told that the Cold War had ended and they do not have to have presence to check the Soviet Union which is now defunct. They can start to establish more cordial ties with the Arab countries like civilized people instead of continuing to strangle them and get one or two confused Arab country to counter check their position there. America must also be told again and again that it is Arab OIL that is what moves the American economy, not support from the Jews in Israel or America.

Many elder Americans will still remember how the Jews in America was called, ‘Jew Boy’ when they first started to infiltrate the country; and they were despised upon by the Anglo-Saxons. On the other hand, the handouts to Israel that comes from the American taxpayers are what are bankrupting the American economy.

Another point that the OIC leaders ought to point to the Americans is that there are only 12 million Jews in the world, most of who are in America with a smaller number in Israel. This is against the 1.5 billion Muslims who are in the 57 Muslim countries with a sizeable number in all other countries. It won’t be long before the Muslim population in America overtakes the Jewish population. And if the Zionists think they can export Zionism, they are wrong. Zionism is not a religion; it is just a political belief. The world has already decided on which political believes they want to embrace -- either Islamic democracy or western democracy. More and more are choosing the former, as the later had shown its true colours in its persecution of Muslims and more Muslims.

Islamic democracy brings with it the Islamic system including the Islamic banking system which is spreading widely throughout the world and it has also been embraced by western democratic countries including Singapore. There can never be a Zionist banking system.

As it is there are more mosques in America than Jewish house of prayers called synagogues. Whereas the mosques are well attended by Muslims, the synagogues are not. All of these synagogues were built after the Second World War with no new ones being built. Many church buildings had been converted to discos and even mosques. If America is really trying to seek permanent peace in the world particularly the Middle East, they have to start reassessing their position vis-à-vis Israel and the Palestine.

The Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims are better allies of America than America had ever acknowledged.

If political solution cannot be taken by the Americans, than the solution will come with the population boom of Muslims in America whose population will become as large as the Jewish population in forty years' time.

America has been making a big mistake by not acknowledging this fact. On the other hand, by cohabiting with Israel, America suffers.

America does not need Israel because Israel has not given America peace in all the time the country began to exist from 1948, in a land that was forcefully carved out of Palestine by the imperialists. Or do the Israeli Zionist leaders want to convert everybody in the Middle East and the world into Judaism? I doubt this can be achieved. Worse, the number of people who believe in Judaism as a religion is shrinking in size, even in America and amongst the Israelis, too. God has a way of punishing the Jews by not allowing them to procreate and spread their religion.
Imagine Judaism came before Christianity and Islam. But despite that only Christianity and Islam have grown by leaps and bounds and became a multiracial religion, whereas Judaism is strictly for the small number of Jews, and represent a fraction of the population of the world.

Even amongst the Jews in Israel and America there are groups who are opposed to the creation of the Zionist state of Israel. (Please visit: to know more about them and their hatred of the Israeli state and their Zionist leaders) And these are not ordinary Jews, but the orthodox that subscribes to the true teachings of the Jewish holy book called the Torah and Talmud. They showed their full support to the Iranian president when he visited Columbia late last year to give a speech. Whereas, the Israeli leaders do subscribe to their Zionist ideology that runs counter to the aspirations of the Children of Israel.

This ideology was created by wealthy European and American Jews who seek to find a state for it’s people so that all the Jews could return to their ‘homeland’ based on their wrong interpretation of the Torah, the Jewish holy book which the Muslims call Al-Taurah. Ironically, this plan fails. After more than sixty years, not many Jews from Europe and America have returned even despite the introduction of the Law of the Return that in effect allow any Jew from acquiring Israeli citizenship on his or her return to Israel, including those who are willing to convert to the religion.

On the other hand, Palestinians who were born in what is now Israel are forbidden to return to their ancestral land; or if they marry Arabs who are Israeli citizens, they will not be given Israeli citizenship.

The Arab population in Israel is expanding fast, whereas the Jewish population is shrinking. This is another proof that the creation of the state of Israel is not popular even amongst the international Jews, because they know the state cannot offer then happiness or permanent peace, but despair.

Many of the Jews who live outside of Israel may support the creation of the state financially and morally, but none are willing to take up Israeli citizenship, because they know that such a status will render them as pariahs in the world. They can never go anywhere in the world using Israeli passport, so they would rather remain where they are in Europe or America. So, what is baffling me is: What is the true goal of Israel in wanting to grab more Palestinian land and the Holy Sanctuary called Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, otherwise known to the Muslims as Baitulmukaddis?

Killing Palestinians, demolishing their homes and grabbing their land can make the Zionist leaders, especially Ariel Sharon and his ilk score points, but it will also make them despicable and increase the hatred of all the Jews who are already living in misery in Israel, from the handout from Uncle Sam. Even if they have managed to grab all Palestinian land and the mosque, I doubt it if the Israelis can live in permanent peace.

They have to acknowledge that the Arab world is too large; and they are all around Israel. So, there is no point for the Israeli leaders to pretend that they a powerful force, just because they possess nuclear arms and are supported by America. Israel and America must stop thinking that the whole world must live with them. It’s them who should start to think on how to live with the rest of the world.

The Zionist claim to follow to the letter what is written in their Torah, that says that they should create a land for themselves called Israel. They say they follow the Torah. But the Torah also says that the Jews are not to have their own state and they ought to live amongst the Arabs and Muslims, as what the Naturei Karta Orthodox Jews insist all the time.

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